
Asha Laghubitta: 15% Cash Dividend Declared


NEPSE trading

Asha Laghubitta: 15% Cash Dividend Declared

Asha Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited has announced its decision to distribute dividends for the fiscal year 2079/80. The company has proposed a 15% cash dividend (including tax) to its shareholders.

Dividend Distribution: Asha Laghubitta has proposed to distribute a 15% cash dividend.

Dividend Amount: The company plans to distribute a total of NPR 859,400 in cash dividends.

General Assembly: The decision regarding the dividend distribution will be presented for approval at the upcoming general assembly.

Proposed Distribution: Since the cash dividend includes tax, shareholders will benefit from this distribution.

Additional Information: This information has been communicated to NEPSE, the Office of the Company Registrar, and other regulatory bodies.

Shareholders are requested to participate in the upcoming general assembly and stay informed about the dividend-related details.

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