
Last Day to Apply for NLG Insurance's 317,533.22 Auction Shares


Nepse trading

Last Day to Apply for NLG Insurance's 317,533.22 Auction Shares

Today, Magh 27 (February 10, 2025), is the last day to apply for the 317,533.22 units of auction shares of NLG Insurance. Interested investors must submit their applications within office hours.

The company has put 29,977.31 units from the promoter group and 290,555.91 units from the general public group up for auction. The minimum bidding price is set at Rs. 100 per share, and applications must be placed competitively. The minimum quantity required for bidding is 10,000 shares for the promoter group and 100 shares for the general public group.

The auction is being managed by Laxmi Sunrise Capital. Earlier, the company had opened a 96.31 lakh (9.63 million) unit rights issue from Mangsir 11 to Poush 16, but the unsold shares from that issuance are now being auctioned.

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